EWDD L.A. Stories; pictured a YouthSource Center grand opening ribbon cutting

EWDD Service Program Success Stories

the twenty-one graduates of the Fall 2024 HireLAX training program cohort pose after receiving their certification awards
On October 18th, twenty-one participants culminated from Southeast LA WorkSource Center’s HireLAX Construction Training Program at LA Southwest College. This 8-week training program prepares participants for a career in construction, including enrollment in a union apprenticeship program or employment on an LA World Airport project. Enrolled participants also receive work readiness training, case management support, career exploration, and assistance with employment placement.

Graduation ceremony attendees included several distinguished guests, including Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43), Dr. Anthony Culpepper, President of LA Southwest College; John Ackerman, CEO of LA World Airports; and Karim Webb, President of the LA World Airports Board of Airport Commissioners.

During the ceremony, Karim Webb addressed the economic importance of the program. "Since the program's inception in 2017, HireLAX graduates have worked nearly 435,000 hours, earning almost $21 million in wages, and with an average wage of $47.60 per hour. These are the wages working on our projects, feeding our families, investing in our communities, and really enabling you all to create the lives that you want for yourselves, your family, and our community."

Congresswoman Waters followed up by congratulating the participants and their families. "This is a new day, in a new way. I want you to be proud of yourselves, and I want you to stand up with your shoulders back. Accept your graduation certificates and say, ‘All right, I'm not looking back. I'm looking forward to it.”

For more information about this program through the Southeast Los Angeles WorkSource Center, contact Alphonso Reed at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (323) 563-5673. Learn more about the training program at LAWA.org.

This story is part of the EWDD UPDATES from November 2024. Read this issue and more.

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