Downtown Los Angeles in the golden light of sunset
Downtown Los Angeles in the golden light of sunset
downtown Los Angeles overlooking the 101 southbound freeway from the 4th Street overpass
Jan2025 LA Wildfires

Resources for Businesses and Workers Impacted by the Los Angeles City Wildfires

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ProcureLA program
Procure LA program

Unlock Contracting Opportunities with Free Support Services

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LA Legacy Program

Support for deep-rooted Los Angeles City businesses that includes technical assistance, promotional support, and access to capital and grants

LA Legacy Business Program title in art deco style between blue angel wings
Incubator & Accelerator Programs

contributing to L.A. City's innovation landscape through the creation, support and growth of new businesses across the region in a variety of industries

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Legal Aid Program for Small Business

Free Legal Help for Los Angeles Region's Small Business Owners

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If you are a business that has been impacted by the LA wildfires, please fill out the LA Region Wildfires Business Impact Survey. This survey will serve to track, monitor, and quantify business losses in the LA Region. Losses will be totaled and shared with federal and state agencies in the efforts of seeking further support for the impacted business community.

The City of Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development Department (EWDD) steers economic development in a manner that yields thriving businesses and creates job training and career opportunities for the City of Los Angeles. We work every day to deliver a strong and committed workforce, sustainable neighborhoods, and profitable communities throughout Los Angeles.

Whether you are a job seeker looking for employment services, a youth looking for academic and employment assistance, or a business owner in need of tools to grow your business, we have the programs and resources you need to succeed! Click on the category below that best describes the services you are seeking:
LA Wildfire Disaster Relief Program Deadlines
Wildfire Disaster Relief Deadlines
The application deadlines for many of the regional and federal wildfire disaster relief programs are quickly approaching. Apply NOW before these resources come to an end. For more information and to apply for these programs, please visit

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Jan2025 Wildfire Resources
LA Wildfire Assistance
In response to the devastating wildfires, EWDD compiled a list of essential resources and information for workers and businesses. From financial support to job placement services to business rebuilding, find the support you need through local, state, and federal resources.

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LA Wildfires Job Loss Resources
Job Loss Resources
EWDD, in collaboration with LA County DEO, announce virtual and in-person orientations in March to assist anyone who lost their job due to the Los Angeles wildfires. The orientations will cover job opportunities, unemployment benefits, healthcare, training and more.

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