Clean Technology with an image of a car charging station in Pasadena

Los Angeles is committed to becoming the greenest big city in the nation and a global capital of clean technology. Through leading environmental initiatives, we are cleaning up the air and water, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and creating a green economy in L.A.

Los Angeles has some of the most progressive environmental policies and initiatives in the nation, resulting in more than $1 billion of investment in cleantech programs such as sustainable development, renewable energy, and clean transportation. by 2020, L.A. will have invested $10 billion in the City's cleantech industry.

CleanTech Corridor
Los Angeles has created a CleanTech Corridor where public investments will catalyze the growth of a cleantech cluster and green manufacturing jobs in Downtown L.A. This 4-mile strip between the Los Angeles River and Alameda in the eastern part of downtown is the cornerstone of the city’s green economy strategy and home to the cleantech ecosystem that supports LA's green economy.

Los Angeles has developed an extensive R&D network by partnering with Caltech, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, UCLA, USC and other premier business groups to make Los Angeles a global leader in the clean technology sector. The city is offering a range of incentives for cleantech companies to locate within the corridor.

LA Cleantech Incubator logo and website linkAt the heart of LA's initiatives to support the clean technology sector is the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), which accelerates development of cleantech start-ups by offering flexible office space, CEO coaching and mentoring, and access to a growing network of experts and capital. LACI recently merged with CleanTech LA - bringing together business, government and academia to expand and develop the clean technology sector in Los Angeles by promoting sustainability and economic growth.

Visit the EWDD Incubators and Accelerators page to learn more about the various opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs in the Los Angeles area.

LA Department of Building and Safety logo and website linkThe City has mandated green building standards for all new public and large private construction projects, creating a market for innovating building materials and designs to reduce energy and water consumption. L.A. is also implementing incentives for private green developments in a committed effort to spur job growth and innovation in the green retrofitting and materials market. The L.A. Department of Building & Safety has a list of forms and publications to help you build, renovate and save money while 'greening' your business.

L.A. Metro logo and website linkLos Angeles has built more miles of rail transit in the past 20 years than any other U.S. city and is engaged in an ambitious expansion project that will add 12 new transit projects, expediting LA's transformation into a world-class sustainable transit metropolis.

Impact of LA Metro's Current Projects:
  • 160,000 new jobs created
  • 77 million more transit boardings annually
  • 521,000 fewer pounds of emissions annually
  • 10.3 million fewer gallons of gasoline used annually
  • 191 million fewer vehicle miles traveled annually
Los Angeles's rapidly growing Metro transit system is changing the face of the city, opening up new economic and development opportunities.

Grid 110, a 501c3, is an incubator that activates the startup ecosystem in Los Angeles by assisting early stage entrepreneurs in the most critical phases of their business cycle, promoting economic development by fostering green businesses and technology. Now in the 4th year of programming, Grid 110 has worked with 84 companies and has created over 50 employment opportunities.

Move Los Angeles logo and website linkMove LA’s mission is to build a broad constituency that will advocate for the development of a comprehensive, diverse, robust, clean, and financially sound public transportation system for Los Angeles County and champion strategies to accelerate its implementation. Move LA is a project of Community Partners.

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